Employment and Enterprise
Policy EE1 Supporting Existing Employment and Retail
Development proposals to upgrade or extend existing employment sites and retail units will be supported, provided that the impact on the amenities of surrounding properties is acceptable.
Policy EE2 Employment land
Proposals for the redevelopment or change of use of land or buildings in employment use to non-employment uses will not be permitted (with the exception of land identified in Policy H2), unless the existing use can be shown to be no longer economically viable. Evidence should be provided that the site has been actively marketed, at the market rate current at the time for a minimum of 12 months and no sale or let has been possible.
Proposals for new commercial development within the Built Up Area Boundaries, or those involving changes of use to Class E uses will be supported subject to complying with other policies within this Plan and the impact of such development upon the amenities of surrounding properties. Change of use to Class B2 uses (general industry) or Class B8 (distribution and storage) will not generally be supported due to the heavy traffic that such uses can generate.
Development proposals that would result in the creation of small scale employment opportunities in residential properties or other non-commercial premises will be supported where they have no unacceptable impacts on the amenity of neighbours and the wider community by virtue of noise, fumes, vibration and odours, transport system, traffic flows, parking or infrastructure.
Policy EE3 Local shopping facilities
Changes of use at ground floor level from Class E(a) uses (retail) will be resisted unless it can be demonstrated that the existing use is no longer economically viable. Evidence should be provided to show that the site has been actively marketed, at the market rate current at the time, for at least 12 months and that no sale or let has been possible during that period.
Policy EE4 Improving signage
Proposals for the improvement of signage for local facilities will be supported, provided that they are appropriate to their surroundings.
Policy EE5 Sustainable Recreational and Tourism activities
Sustainable tourism development proposals and/or extensions to, or expansion of, existing tourism uses will be supported in principle subject to there being no unacceptable impacts on adjacent residential amenity or impacts on wildlife and cultural heritage.
Proposals relating to land outside the Built Up Area Boundary will need to demonstrate that they positively contribute to a countryside location and will not have an adverse impact on the rural landscape, but will promote the unique characteristics of the area providing benefits to the local community. Development will need to be appropriate in terms of form and design. In all cases appropriate levels of parking facilities must be provided and contained within the site.
Policy EE6 Rural Buildings
Proposals for equestrian development that are ancillary to an existing dwelling will be supported, provided that any new buildings or structures are located within close proximity of the existing dwelling and in keeping regarding scale.
Proposals for the re-use, conversion and adaptation of rural buildings in the countryside for small businesses, recreation or tourism purposes or to residential uses, will be supported subject to the following criteria:
a) They are confined to the existing area of buildings, and capable of conversion without substantial reconstruction or extension
b) The use proposed is appropriate to a rural location
c) The conversion/adaptation works respect the local character of the surrounding area and/or buildings and do not result in a significant increase in the building footprint or height
d) The use proposed will not have an unacceptable impact on any archaeological, architectural, historic or environmental features
e) The local road system is capable of accommodating the traffic generated by the proposed new use and adequate parking can be accommodated within the site
There are a number of farms within the area with buildings that could be suitable for a variety of uses that would be appropriate to a rural location. These could include the following:
Small businesses - craft or artisan related workshops, studios and small shops, farm shops, microbreweries
Recreation - health or exercise studios, rural educational centers, artist studios
Tourism - niche market holiday accommodation, specialist interest holiday bases
Residential - conversions which provide accommodation tied to an existing business use
Policy EE7 Communications infrastructure
All new residential, employment and commercial development which provides new buildings/ dwellings must be designed to connect to high quality communications infrastructure. Support will be given for proposals that help to provide improved/additional connectivity for the Parish as a whole subject to the siting, design and impact on adjoining premises.