The introduction of neighbourhood planning is part of wider challenges to the planning system in the Localism Act 2011. The Act claims to shift decision making from central government to communities and councils.
Neighbourhood planning helps town and parish councils to prepare a plan for their area, in close consultation with residents, businesses and other local organisations. Neighbourhood Plans are for the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of everyone in the community.
Like many historic Parishes, West Chiltington's heritage interest and local environment setting are its defining assets, and local residents are proud and protective of those features that give the Parish its sense of place and sense of identity.
The production of a Neighbourhood Plan is a process determined by regulations. The key stages are:
Create a State of the Parish report - a baseline document about the Parish.
Undertake a Call for Sites to determine what possible locations there are to consider for housing locations.
Review the call for sites returns along with any HELAA allocations.
Draft policies
Consult at Regulation 14 - this gives the residents and statutory consultees such as English Heritage, a chance to have their say on the draft proposals.
Amend the Plan.
Submit at Reg 15 - the public will have a further chance to have their say before the Plan goes to Examination by an Independent Examiner.
Referendum - the residents of the Parish will be issued with polling cards to allow them to vote on whether or not to adopt the Plan.