Display Boards for the 26th November 2016 open event. If you cannot attend or if you just wish to comment please either contact the Clerk or email westchiltingtonnp@gmail.com
To view the Draft Neighbourhood Plan policies follow the link.
Getting Around
We want your views on parking, speed, traffic calming and access issues.
Employment and Tourism
We want your views on where you would locate additional employment land; how Broadband and connectivity issues affect you; whether you support the proposals from Harwoods and Nyetimber and whether you think we should improve our tourism offering.
Leisure and Community
We want your views on which assets are important to the community and what facilities need improving/adding.
We want your views on sites for housing; a strategic allocation of land at Hatches Estate and homes on land at Hatches House.
We need your help to identify Non Listed Heritage Assets and to carry out a character assessment where you live. We also want your views on whether the areas where the Wells Houses are located should be designated as a Conservation Area.
Could you help us to collect data by recording wildlife sitings. Do you know of any special places that we can add to our biodiversity corridors? Which green spaces should be preserved?
List of Tree Preservation Orders