Reg 15 Submission Plan 2018
Appendix 1 - Determining an appropriate housing scale for West Chiltington
Appendix 2 - Village Design Guide
Appendix 4 - The Wells Houses - plus Dissertation - Conserving the Wells Cottages by Emily Anderson 2018
Appendix 5 - Local Green Space
Appendix 6 - Green Infrastructure and Ecosystem Services
Appendix 7 - Getting Around West Chiltington
Appendix 8 - Landscape Character Assessment
Appendix 9 - Local gap/settlement separation zone
Appendix 10 - Infrastructure Delivery Plan
HDC Communications
1. WCNP - BChilds 19th Oct 2018
2. HDC - West Chilt Submission Plan (Dec 2018)
3. HDC Response to letter of intent to submit Oct 18
4. HDC meeting 23rd January 2019​
5. Letter from HDC following meeting 31st January 2019
6. HDC letter dated 10 April 2019
7. Chasing a response following meeting 13th June 2019
8. Response to HDC 15th Feb 2019
9. WC Response Following Meeting on 13th June 2019
Evidence list as numbered in the policy document
1. 2011 census - selected parish statistics
2. Biodiversity Report - Sussex Biodiversity Records Centre
3. Conservation Area Map and Designation Document
4. Listed Buildings - List and Map
5. Wells Houses
7. TPO's
10. Footpaths Map
11. Cycle Route - Horsham to Dragons Green
12. Flood Risk Map
14. 2016 HDC SHELAA
15. Business Survey Responses Summary
16. Horsham DC Housing Strategy 2013-2015
17. Smock Alley Appeal Decision 2015 Smock Alley Appeal Decision 2016
18. Harwoods Group proposal feedback
19. Mill Road Character Assessment
20. Character Assessments undertaken by West Chiltington School children
Housing Needs Survey Report
Housing Needs Survey Presentation Feb 15
Smock Alley Appeal Decision 2015 Smock Alley Appeal Decision 2016
Housing Site Appraisal - 2015 version
Horsham DC Housing Strategy 2013-15
Village Design Statement - original adopted
2018 Housing Needs Survey Results
Appendix 1 - Determining an appropriate housing scale for West Chiltington