Getting Around
Draft Policy
Policy GA1 Promoting sustainable movement
Development proposals that increase travel demand will be supported where they can demonstrate that:
a) they extend or improve walking and cycling routes by making land available for those purposes or by means of justified financial contributions through legal agreements or the Community Infrastructure Levy
b) they are located in places accessible to public and community transport or can improve the accessibility of the site to public and community transport by contributing to the provision of enhanced services
c) they do not result in the loss of any existing footpaths or cycle paths
Policy GA2 Footpath, bridleways and cycle path network
Support will be given to proposals that improve and extend the existing footpath, bridleway and cycle path network, allowing better access to the local amenities and services, to green spaces, to any new housing and to the open countryside. Proposals where the surface allows for use by all users will be supported. In the event that a public right of way crosses a proposed development site, the proposal will not be supported unless it can be demonstrated that either the current course of the right of way can be retained or that any diversion would not result in any adverse impact on this public amenity or safety of the general public.
Policy GA3 Parking and new development
Proposals must provide adequate parking in accordance with the standards adopted by West Sussex County Council at the time. Proposals that would result in a loss of parking spaces either on or off street will be resisted.
For in-curtilage parking, the following principles should be incorporated:
a) Garages must be large enough to be usable. Internal dimensions of 6.5m x 3m are recommended as a minimum
b) Garages should be designed to reflect the architectural style of the house they serve
c) Garages should be set back from the street frontage
d) Parking spaces should be located in between houses (rather than in front) so that it does not dominate the street scene
e) Where parking is located in front of houses, design the street and the landscape to minimise the visual impact e.g. incorporate planting between front gardens.
Where parking cannot be provided in-curtilage, the following principles should be incorporated:
f) Rear parking areas should be kept small and serve no more than six homes so that there is a clear sense of ownership
g) Avoid large parking courts to the rear of dwellings
h) Design parking into courts and mews to the front of dwellings, where the spaces can form not only a functional space for cars but an attractive setting for the buildings
i) Include parking for visitors and deliveries