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Responses to the Reg 14 consultation survey

Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation and the survey. Below you will find summaries of the comments we have received.



1. Do you agree with the policy H2 wording and the elements of the masterplan?


Survey responses


2. Do you agree with the allocation at Hatches that we propose to meet the parish housing requirement set by Horsham DC?


Survey responses


3. Do you agree with the policy wording and the elements of the site masterplan for Hatches?


Survey responses


4. Do you agree with the allocation at Smock Alley we propose to meet the parish housing requirement set by Horsham DC?


Survey responses


5. Do you agree with the policy wording and the elements of the site masterplan fro Smock Alley?


Survey responses


6. Given that no housing is not an option if you do not agree with the sites chosen, where would you locate the housing?


Survey responses


7. Do you have any further comments about the Housing section?


Survey responses


Getting Around


Getting around - do you agree with the policies?


Survey responses


Environment and Heritage


Env and Heritage - do you agree with the policies?


Survey responses


The following non-designated heritage assets are added as part of the Neighbourhood Plan Review:The Telephone Boxes at The Hollow and Haglands Lane The Bus Shelter at Common Hill The Reading Rooms, Church Street The Wells' Houses - see Appendix 4The Heritage Finger Posts - see Appendix 3. Do you agree with the additions?


Survey responses


Leisure and community


Leisure and community - Do you agree with the policies?


Survey responses




Employment - do you agree with the policies?


Survey responses

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