DraftPre-Submission Plan2017
The Consultation process is being re-run because WSCC did not have a chance to comment as the wrong email address was used. The Parish Council has therefore re-run the process and seeks comments on the Regulation Pre-submission Plan. The consultation runs from the 5th December 2017 and 16th Jan 2018.
As you will be aware, the Neighbourhood Plan team has been working for about three years on producing a Neighbourhood Plan for West Chiltington. Volunteers have been gathering evidence by survey and community events to identify key issues the parish wants to address in the Plan. Our sincere thanks go to these volunteers, who have given many hours of their time.
The whole process has been driven by what you have told us with the aim to ensure that the Plan reflects the needs of the community.
The Plan has stalled for a time and is now being relaunched in a new format which reflects the changing national picture relating to Neighbourhood Plans. It should produce a more robust Plan which is less open to challenge by developers.
The Neighbourhood Plan Group believes that the best option for the community is to have control over issues affecting them.
On the 9th May 2017 the Parish Council resolved to submit the Plan to consultation under Reg14.
To view the Pre-Submission Draft Neighbourhood Plan and the supporting documents please follow the links below. Copies are available at the Reading Rooms (during normal opening times). Feel free to make comments at any time even if we are not formally consulting. It is your Plan, we need your views. All comments received will be published and given to Horsham DC. Please indicate if you do not wish this to happen.
The consultation runs from 10th May 2017 to June 21st 2017.
All comments received can be found here - Responses to Reg14 consultation
Appendix 1 - Village Design Statement 2003
All of the evidence used to create the Plan can be found in the online Evidence Base
This is your Plan. Thank you for your views.